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Monday, May 23, 2022

প্রাইমারি নিয়োগ ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন-উত্তর ২০২২, ২য় ধাপের। Primary question solution। Job Solution QA


প্রাইমারি ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন-উত্তর ২০২২, সহজ লেকচার। Part-1। Primary question solution। Job Solution QA

প্রাথমিক পরীক্ষার তারিখঃ ২০ মে ২০২২
ধাপঃ ২য় ধাপের পরীক্ষা
প্রশ্নের সেট  কোডঃ ৪০২১

ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন উত্তরঃ
১। সকালে পাখিরা কিচিরমিচির করে। ইংরেজিতে-
(ক) Birds cry at dawn (খ) Birds sing at dawn
(গ) Birds twitter at dawn (ঘ) Birds shout at dawn
Ans: গ
২) What does CV stand for?
(ক) Curriculum Vitae (খ) Current Value
(গ) Curriculam Vitae (ঘ) Curriculum Vites
Ans: ক
৩) A state where all religions are respected_____
(ক) Good state (খ) Secular (গ) Holy country (ঘ) Reactor
Ans: খ
৪) ১৭। A remedy for all diseases___.
(ক) polyglot (খ) panace (গ) were (ঘ) being
Ans: খ
৫) He was brought to the police station for —.
(ক) judgement (খ)  questioning (গ) confinement (ঘ) punishment
Ans: গ
৬) ‘Syntax’ means —. 
(ক) Supplementary text (খ) Synchronizing act (গ) Manner of speech (ঘ) Sentence building
Ans: ঘ
৭) Which of the following is in plural form?
(ক) datum (খ) radius (গ) analysis (ঘ) media  উ.ঘ
৮) ‘Brain child’ means-
(ক) autistic child (খ) special child
(গ) intelligent person (ঘ) a person’s idea
উ. গ
৯) A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete —.
(ক) thought (খ) paragraph (গ) predicate (ঘ) fragment 
উ. ক
১০) To everyone’s surprise he got  — the examination.
(ক) over (খ) passed (গ) through (ঘ) failed
১১) To read between the lines’ means.
(ক) To read only some lines
(খ) To read quickly to save time
(গ) To read carefully to find out any hidden meaning
(ঘ) To read carefully
উ. গ
১২) What is the meaning of the word ‘Vice Versa?
(ক) Face to face (খ) Namely
(গ) The terms being exchanged (ঘ) For example
উ. গ
১৩) The word ‘Decade’ means
(ক) decaying old age (খ) a group of ten people
(গ)  period of ten years (ঘ) rotten object
উ. গ
১৪) Oncology’ relates to —
(ক) ecology (খ) environment (গ) law (ঘ) medicine

১৫) । I need to install an …….. Fan in the kichen. 
ক) adjust খ) exhaust
গ) exsost ঘ) egzost
১৬) Man did not know that the earth moves round the sun until it was ………
ক) Invented  খ) demonstrated গ) discovered  ঘ) experimented
Ans: গ
১৭) Can you tell me where……………?
(ক) Rahim lives (খ) Rahim does live
(গ) lives Rahim (ঘ) does Rahim live
উ. (ক) Rahim lives

১৮) The minister told his officials to ………… a press conference.
(ক) prepare (খ) speak (গ) announce (ঘ) arrange
উ. (ঘ) arrange
১৯) A stage of short sightedness……………..
(ক) Abortion (খ) Myopia
(গ) Autopsy   (ঘ) Maternity
২০) SMS – এর পূর্ণরূপ কী?
(ক) Short Multimedia Service (খ) Short Message Server
(গ) Short Message System (ঘ) Short Message Service
Ans: ঘ

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