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Monday, May 23, 2022

Primary Question Solution 2022। প্রাথমিক ১ম ধাপের ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন-উত্তর ও ব্যাখ্যা। Job Solution QA

 প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয় সহকারী শিক্ষক

 ১ম ধাপের পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন সমাধান ২০২২

১। If the price is low, demand ___

(ক) will be increased (খ) will increase (গ) is increased (ঘ) would be increased     

উত্তরঃ will increase 

২) There is ___ milk in the bottle.

(ক) very little (খ) small (গ) very few (ঘ) a little   

উত্তরঃ A little 

৩) What is an epic?

(ক) a novel (খ) a long poem

(গ) a long prose composition (ঘ) a romance

উত্তরঃ a long poem

৪)  “To break the ice” means,

(ক) to end the hostility (খ) to end up partnership you 

(গ) to start quarreling (ঘ) to start a conversation

উত্তর: (ঘ) to start a conversation

৫) The correct spelling is ——–

(ক) Assignment (খ) Assignernent (গ) Asignment (ঘ) Asignmment

উত্তর: (ক) Assignment

৬) Agomoni School is one of the best in the city. 

(ক) school (খ) schools (গ) of It (ঘ) high school  

উত্তর: (খ) schools

৭) The Principal will —– the answer scripts.

(ক) look into (খ) took over (গ) took for (ঘ) look at 

উত্তর: (খ) took over

৮) I look forward to

(ক) have heard from you soon. (খ) see you soon.

(গ) hear for you soon. (ঘ) hearing from you soon. 

উত্তর: (ঘ) hearing from you soon. 

৯)  I water the plants. The word ‘water is used as

(ক) Verb (খ) Adverb (গ) Noun (ঘ) Pronoun

উত্তর: (ক) Verb 

১০) Are you doing anything special – the weekend?

(ক) by (খ) in (গ) at (ঘ) on 

উত্তর: (গ) at

১১)  ‘Once in a blue moon’ means-

(ক) hourly (খ) always (গ) very rarely (ঘ) nearly

উত্তর: (গ) very rarely

১২) He came to Dhaka with a view to — a new place.

(ক) watch (খ) Look (গ) visit (ঘ) visiting

উত্তর: (ঘ) visiting

১৩) Which of the following is the correct sentence?

(ক) He has said which is right.

(খ) What has he said is right.

(গ) What he has said is right.

(ঘ) He has said that what is right.

উত্তর: (গ) What he has said is right.

১৪) “Leave no stone unturned” means

(ক) try every possible means (খ) heavy stone

(গ) rare stone (ঘ) impossible 

উত্তর: (ক) try every possible means

১৫) Choose the correct spelling—-

(ক) Achievment (খ) Acheivment (গ) Achievement (ঘ) Achevement

উত্তর: Achievement 

১৬) Remove শব্দটির Noun-

(ক) Remove (খ) Removal (গ) Re-movement (ঘ) Removing

উত্তর: Removal 

১৭) If I ——- you, I would not have done this.

(ক) are (খ) was (গ) am (ঘ) were

উত্তরঃ were

১৮) কালবৈশাখীর ইংরেজি-

(ক) Dark Westerlies (খ) West Westerlles

 (গ) North Westerlies (ঘ) Black Westerlics

উত্তর: North Westerlies 

১৯) Choose the correctly spelt word ——

(ক) Buro (খ) Beauro (গ) Bureau (ঘ) Burough

উত্তর: গ, Bureau

২০) Change the voice: “Where did you see him?”

(ক) Where he was seen by you? (খ) Where was he seen by you? 

(গ) Where did he seen by you? (ঘ) Where was he see by you? 

উত্তর: (খ) Where was he seen by you? 

Primary Question Solution 2022। প্রাথমিক ১ম ধাপের ইংরেজি প্রশ্ন-উত্তর ও ব্যাখ্যা। Job Solution QA

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